Essential oil Coriander+ Young Living 5


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Production method: Coriander is widely used to add flavor to dishes. The Middle East is considered the birthplace of this plant of the Umbelliferae family. Coriander oil is obtained by distilling the leaves of the plant, which are shaped like feathers. The ancient Egyptians called coriander the plant of happiness for its uplifting and refreshing scent. Today, coriander is grown all over the world and has become a very popular herb used in Asian, Central and South American dishes.

Coriander 100% Natural Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil

linalool (60-80%);
linalyl acetate (3 – 5%);
geranyl acetate and geraniol (up to 3%);
camphor (about 4%);
monoterpene hydrocarbons (about 20%);
other beneficial substances.

To get 100g. essential oil of coriander, you will need 10 kg of cilantro seeds!

Essential oil of coriander, properties and uses

The use of cilantro oil in medicine:

Coriander essential oil, whose properties are very diverse and in demand in many areas, is successfully used to treat various diseases.

Colds. During cold and flu season, cilantro oil warms with chills, helps immune cells fight disease-causing bacteria, and copes with dry coughs. In order to recover faster, we do inhalations by adding 3 drops of oil to hot water.
Nervous strain, rheumatism, neuralgia, arthritis. We massage with an oil mixture of 7 drops of coriander oil and 15 ml of olive oil. The oil relieves inflammation and calms the nerves.
Flatulence, diarrhoea, congestion in the liver and gallbladder and indigestion. Twice a day, we drop one drop of cilantro oil into a teaspoon of honey and eat it. This remedy has a choleretic effect, removes heaviness in the stomach, improves digestion and appetite.
Inflammation of the urinary tract in men. Coriander oil copes with pain and itching in the urethra, removes excess water and relieves inflammation of the urinary system. And cilantro oil increases libido.
Parasites. Coriander oil helps to get rid of ascaris and a number of other parasites that can live in the human body.
Muscle pain, fatigue. To relax the muscles and cheer up, take a warm bath with coriander oil (10 drops per 10 ml of emulsifier).
Skin diseases. Coriander oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, and therefore is successfully used in the treatment of dermatitis. To relieve skin itching and relieve inflammation, drip 7 drops of oil into 100 ml of cold water, soak gauze and apply a compress to the sore spot.
Weak vessels. Esters of coriander oil strengthen the walls of capillaries and other small vessels, including the vessels of the organs of vision, and also eliminate gum bleeding.
Excessive sweating is hyperhidrosis. Cilantro oil significantly reduces sweating.
Dizziness, loss of strength. We add a few drops of coriander oil to a humidifier or aroma lamp, and soon we forget about fatigue. Aromatherapy with this oil refreshes, invigorates and gives a good mood.
Fungal infections. Lubricate problem areas with coriander oil until the fungus disappears.
Bad breath. Add a couple of drops of cilantro oil to water and rinse your mouth – the bad smell will immediately disappear.
The use of coriander essential oil in cosmetology:

Coriander oil is useful not only for the body as a whole, but also for hair and skin in particular. It cleanses the skin of blackheads, oily sheen and free radicals, restores its cover and broken capillaries, relieves a number of skin diseases, swelling and flaking, smoothes wrinkles.

Application and dosage:

dilute 1:1 with vegetable oil or V-6 oil
for oral administration, place in a capsule or 1 teaspoon of honey.
apply 2-3 drops topically
inhale from the palms of your hands or from a bottle
5-6 drops in Diffuser, 20 min each

For pets: yes, you can (but very dilute), apply if the animal shows anxiety.

Precautionary measures:

use only therapeutic grade oil
dilute 1:1 with vegetable oil or V-6 oil
do not use Basil essential oil for epilepsy
pregnant women and children under 18 months should not use the oil
do not use for more than 3 weeks without a break, because. this oil increases blood clotting
shelf life of sealed packaging is not limited

Essential oils are not medicinal products. Specialist consultation required.


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SKU: 26979-2 Category:
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