Essential oil Rosemary Young Living 15ml


Availability: 3 in stock

SKU: 32048-1 Category:


Rosmarinus officinalis CT Cineole


Botanical family: Lamiaceae

Country of origin: Tunisia, Morocco, Spain

Active ingredients:

1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol) (38-35%)
Camphor (5-15%)
Alpha Pinene (9-14%)
Beta Pinene (4-9%)
Camphene (2.5-6%)
Borneol (1.5-5%)
Limonene (1-4%)

Production method: steam distillation from leaves

Rosemary 100% Natural Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil

The oil stimulates the brain, strengthens blood vessels, and is able to restore the functions of speech, hearing and vision. Strong stimulant. Contraindicated in very high blood pressure and epilepsy. Effective for dizziness. Helps to restore the tone of temporarily paralyzed limbs. Pain reliever. Helps with gout, rheumatic pains, muscle fatigue. Perfectly tones the heart, stimulates the heart muscle, normalizes low blood pressure. Has a positive effect on anemia. Eliminates congestion in the liver, improving the condition of hepatitis, cirrhosis, gallstone disease, jaundice and obstruction of the bile ducts. Eliminates flatulence and stomach pain. Effective for cellulite and obesity. It activates the work of brain cells, clarifies the mind, strengthens memory, is used for high mental stress, helps to overcome apathy. Nourishes the brain with energy, useful in the decline of intellectual strength. The oil relieves puffiness, puffiness of the skin. Stimulates the scalp, eliminates dandruff, promotes hair growth.

There are several different chemotypes of Rosemary, and the designation (CT) indicates that the plant has different chemical constituents. This usually happens because the plants are grown in different areas with very different climates. This changes their chemical composition. And they are used for various purposes.

Types of chemotypes:

Rosmarinus officinalis CT camphor (camphor chemotype) is an extremely high camphor plant found in Spain and Croatia, believed to be a powerful energy booster.
Rosmarinus officinalis CT 1, 8 cineol (chemotype 1.8 cineol) – the essential oil of this plant is considered therapeutic, grows in Tunisia and Morocco.
Rosmarinus officinalis CT verbenon (verbenon chemotype) is a plant with the most delicate chemotype, growing in Corsica, used for skin care for its regenerating properties.

Acts as: Antitumor, Antifungal, Antibacterial, Antiparasitic, Antiviral, Hepatoprotector, Liver Protector, Cardiac, Digestive, Detoxifier, Detox, Increase Concentration and Mental Clarity.

Recommended for: infectious diseases, liver problems, liver disease, liver slagging, hepatitis, infectious diseases of the respiratory system, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, gout, muscle pain, urinary system disease, kidney disease, hair loss (alopecia), baldness, memory impairment, Alzheimer’s disease.

Emotional impact: Helps overcome mental depression, improves mental clarity and concentration. Researchers at the University of Miami have found that inhaling the scent of Rosemary increases alertness, reduces feelings of anxiety, and enhances mental and analytical abilities.
Rosemary helps us to show benevolence, mercy, loyalty to another person, and we become more loving, then the energy circulates freely and blood circulation is not disturbed.

Rosemary restores and strengthens the energy body, freeing it from all deformations, promotes the development of the Divine consciousness of a person through the work of his Soul.

Effect on the Mind: This herbaceous and woody fragrance makes the mind attentive and focused.

Application and dosage:

dilute 1:1 with vegetable oil or V-6 oil
can be used in pure form
the oil is considered safe (GRAS) for internal use by the FDA
apply 1-3 drops to the affected area
for oral administration, place in a capsule, 2 times a day or on 1 teaspoon of honey
inhale from the palms or from a bottle –
5-6 drops in Diffuser, 20 min each
in the bath 6-7 drops per emulsifier

For pets: Yes, you can. The oil stimulates the growth of wool and contributes to the appearance of a luxurious fur coat for your pet.
Precautionary measures:

use only therapeutic grade oils
dilute 1:1 with vegetable oil or V-6 oil
pure oil can be used
the oil is considered safe (GRAS) for internal use by the FDA
do not use for high blood pressure
children under 6 years of age should not use the oil as a dietary supplement
shelf life of sealed packaging is not limited

Essential oils are not medicinal products. Specialist consultation required.


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SKU: 32048-1 Category:
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