Essential oil Marjoram Young Living 15 ml


Availability: 4 in stock

SKU: 33279-1 Category:

Marjoram. Origanum majorana.

Botanical family: Lamiaceae

Country of origin: France, Egypt

Active ingredients:

Terpinene-4-ol (25-35%)
Gamma Terpinene (12-20%)
Linalol + Cis-4-Thujanol (3-8%)
Alpha-Terpinene (6-13%)
Alpha-Terpineol (2-6%)
Sabinene (2-6%)

Production method: steam distillation from leaves

Acts as: antispasmodic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic, vasodilator, lowers blood pressure, diuretic, expectorant, mucolytic, promotes intestinal motility, soothes the digestive tract, relaxant.

Soothes muscle pain, helps relieve body pain, relieves discomfort.

Recommended for: arthritis, rheumatism, muscle pain, sprains, muscle cramps and spasms, nerve pain, headaches, migraine, respiratory tract infection, asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis, cardiovascular disease, circulatory disorders, fluid retention, edema, colic, intestinal cramps, constipation, menstrual problems, PMS, menopause, fungal infections, ringworm, shingles, ulcers.

Marjoram Essential Oil can replace Tea Tree Oil!

Emotional impact: Marjoram makes us more balanced, and in this state we can more fully accept and love ourselves.

If you feel lonely, feel danger and do not feel the support of the Higher powers – this oil is for you!

Influence on the mind: Relaxes the mind, strengthens the psyche and calms the nerves.

Application and dosage:

dilute 1:1 with vegetable oil or V-6 oil
the oil is considered safe (GRAS) for internal use by the FDA
apply 1-3 drops to the sore spot – for oral administration, place in a capsule, 2 times a day, if necessary – apply to Vita Flex points – in the Raindrop Technique massage – layer-by-layer application of oils
inhale from the palms of your hands or from a bottle
5-8 drops in a diffuser for 30 minutes 3 times a day, or as needed
in the bath 5-6 drops per emulsifier
enrichment of cosmetics: 2 drops per 10 ml base

Use for pets: Yes, you can for dogs.

Precautionary measures:

use only therapeutic grade oils
dilute 1:1 with vegetable oil or V-6 oil
the oil is considered safe (GRAS) for internal use by the FDA
children under 6 years of age should not use the oil as a dietary supplement
when applied to the skin in its pure form, a pronounced burning sensation for 3-4 minutes, the reaction is natural
Keep out of the reach of children
shelf life of sealed packaging is not limited

Essential oils are not medicinal products. Specialist consultation required.


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SKU: 33279-1 Category:
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